Monday, February 15, 2010

3. < 3 day

There is nothing more refreshing than cooking up some comfort food after a looooong cooooold day! Sunday we had to coach the end of the Medelblatt regatta so we didn't exactly have valentines day to ourselves. Luckily, Jesse was nice enough to drop me off early so I could spend the afternoon cooking! When it is freezing cold there is nothing more comforting than food in the oven for a few hours.

I made Boeuf Bourguignon for the first time! (A la Julia Childs of course!) It was just as amazing as everyone says it is, and just as time consuming! This is not exactly a part of my diet, but I was going for the process. One of the things I am trying to focus on while renovating my lifestyle is finding new ways of doing things I absolutely love. Obviously cooking is one of these things. With the exception of the boeuf, I am trying to reinvent classic home cooked meals, and even come up with my own concoctions of healthier, yummy meals. Stay tuned for updates and possibly some recipes!

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